Saturday, January 31, 2015

January Happenings

As my babies keep getting bigger everyday, I find myself trying to make sure that I capture stuff from our everyday life.  I never want to forget the way they smell, the last little bit of their chubby cheeks, how they think of Josh and I as their best friends, how they are sweet and silly and everyday when they get home from school they give me the best, biggest hugs.  I hope they always hug me like that! I thank God every day for this amazing life He has given me and that I get to share it with the 3 boys at my house and with everyone else we call family and friends! 

 My life group girls and I went to the ranch for a short weekend trip together!

 The Cerpanyas came for a visit!  

 We celebrated our 37th & 38th birthday with dinner and a movie.  
 We like to have dance parties at our house!
 And we like to watch movies by the fire especially on Friday nights.  We call it Family Movie night and we make popcorn and cuddle on the couch together.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015


This year we stayed in Austin for our entire Christmas break.  We have not done that since Josh and I met.  It was really nice, but I discovered I really missed my people and that for me, Christmas is all about family!  ( And Jesus, of course)  We had a Webb family Christmas on the 27th of December at our house, so at least I got a little time with family even if it was only one day and not on actual Christmas.  One of the things I did enjoy was being able to attend church at our church on Christmas Eve.  The Christmas Eve service is just so sweet with traditional hymns/ songs and candle lights and I loved doing it at my church this year with our church family :)